ARE YOU PREGNANT? To schedule a confidential appointment please call the Kingston Center (845) 340-7355 PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS Whenever you have sex there is always a chance for pregnancy. During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes. Some common symptoms of early pregnancy include: missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, frequent urination, tiredness, mood swings. If you think you might be pregnant, the only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. Please contact us for appointment to take a free and confidential self-administered test. PREGNANCY TESTS Pregnancy tests check for a hormone called HCG that is produced by the embryo during pregnancy. The longer you to take the test, the more accurate it becomes. It is best to wait until your first missed period before you take pregnancy test. You can test sooner, but you may need to take a confirming pregnancy test later. Our pregnancy tests accurate as early as 7 days after conception. ULTRASOUNDS A urine test alone does not determine if a pregnancy is viable or not. A urine test will detect the presence of hormone HCG which is present during a pregnancy. This hormone can be present up to 6-8 weeks following miscarriage. Up to 30 % of pregnancies can end in miscarriage. Knowing the facts regarding your pregnancy, such as age of the baby and the viability of the pregnancy are crucial factors in deciding how to approach an unplanned pregnancy. The purpose of an ultrasound is to: Confirm pregnancy, Determine the viability of the pregnancy by confirming fetal heart motion and presence of a fetus inside the uterus. We do not provide or refer for abortions. If our Center is closed and you need help right away or to find a pregnancy center near you, go to ABORTION PROCEDURES & RISKS Abortion is not just a simple medical procedure. For many women, it is a life changing event with significant physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences. Most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had told all of the facts about abortion, its risks and the impact it may have had on their lives before they made their decision. ABORTION PROCEDURES Manual Vacuum Aspiration: up to 7 weeks after last menstrual period (LMP). This surgical abortion is done early in the pregnancy up until 7 weeks after the woman's last menstrual period. A thin tube is inserted into the uterus. A large syringe is attached to the tube and the embryo is suctioned out. Suction Curettage: between 6 and 14 weeks after LMP. This is the most common surgical abortion procedure. Because the baby is larger, the doctor must first stretch open cervix using metal rods. Opening the cervix may be painful, so local or general anesthesia is typically needed. After cervix is stretched open, the doctor inserts a hard plastic tube into the uterus, then connects this tube to a suction machine. The suction pulls the fetus' body apart and out of the uterus. The doctor may also use a loop-shaped called a curette to scrape the fetus and fetal parts out of the uterus. (The doctor may refer to the fetus and fetal as the “products of conception.”) Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): between 13 and 24 weeks after LMP. This surgical abortion is done during the second trimester of pregnancy. At this point in pregnancy, the fetus is too to be broken up by suction alone and will not pass through the suction tubing. In this procedure, the cervix must opened wider than in a first trimester abortion. This is done by inserting numerous thin rods made of seaweed a day two before the abortion. Once the cervix is stretched open the doctor pulls out the fetal parts with forceps. The skull is crushed to ease removal. A sharp tool (called a curette) is also used to scrape out the contents of the uterus, removing any remaining tissue. Dilation and Extraction (D&X) (partial-birth abortion): from 20 weeks after LMP to full-term. This procedure takes three days. During the first two days, the cervix is stretched open using thin rods made of seaweed, and medication is given for pain. On the third day, the abortion doctor uses ultrasound to locate the legs of the fetus. Grasping a leg with forceps, the doctor delivers the fetus up to the head. Next, scissors are inserted into the base of skull to create an opening. A suction catheter is placed into the opening to remove the brain. The skull collapses and fetus is removed. CONSIDER THE RISKS OF ABORTION Side effects may occur with induced abortion, whether surgical or by pill. These include abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Abortion also carries the risk of significant complications such as bleeding, infection, damage to organs. Serious complications occur in less than 1 out of 100 early abortions and in about 1 out of every later abortions. Complications may include: Heavy Bleeding: Some bleeding after abortion is normal. However, if the cervix is torn or the uterus is punctured, there is a risk of severe bleeding known as hemorrhaging. When this happens, a blood transfusion may be required. Severe bleeding is also a risk with the use of RU486. One in 100 women who use RU486 require surgery to stop the bleeding. Infection: Infection can develop from the insertion of medical instruments into the uterus, or from fetal parts that are mistakenly left inside (known as an incomplete abortion). A pelvic infection may lead to persistent fever over several days and extended hospitalization. It can also cause scarring of the pelvic organs. Incomplete Abortion: Some fetal parts may be mistakenly left inside after the abortion. Bleeding and infection may result. Sepsis: A number of RU486 or mifepristone users have died as a result of sepsis (total body infection). Anesthesia: Complications from general anesthesia used during abortion surgery may result in convulsions, heart attack, and in extreme cases, death. It also increases the risk of other serious complications by two and a half times. Damage to the Cervix: The cervix may be cut, torn, or damaged by abortion instruments. This can cause excessive bleeding that requires surgical repair. Scarring of the Uterine Lining: Suction tubing, curettes, and other abortion instruments may cause permanent scarring of the uterine lining. Perforation of the Uterus: The uterus may be punctured or torn by abortion instruments. The risk of this complication increases with the length of the pregnancy. If this occurs, major surgery may be required, including removal of the uterus (known as a hysterectomy). Damage to Internal Organs: When the uterus is punctured or torn, there is also a risk that damage will occur to nearby organs such as the bowel and bladder. Death: In extreme cases, other physical complications from abortion including excessive bleeding, infection, organ damage from a perforated uterus, and adverse reactions to anesthesia may lead to death. This complication is rare, but is real. CONSIDER OTHER RISKS OF ABORTION Abortion and Preterm Birth: Women who undergo one or more induced abortions carry a significantly increased risk of delivering prematurely in the future. Premature delivery is associated with higher rates of cerebral as well as other complications of prematurity (brain, respiratory, bowel, and eye problems). Abortion and Breast Cancer: Medical experts are still researching and debating the linkage between abortion and breast cancer. Here are some important facts: Carrying your first pregnancy to full term gives protection against breast cancer. Choosing abortion causes loss of that protection. A number of reliable studies have concluded that there may be a link between abortion and the later development of breast cancer. Emotional and Psychological Impact: There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in emotional and physical health. For some women these negative emotions may be very strong, and can appear within days or after many years. This psychological response is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Some of symptoms are: Eating disorders, Relationship problems, Guilt, Depression, Flashbacks of abortion, Suicidal thoughts, Sexual dysfunction, Alcohol and drug abuse. Spiritual Consequences: People have different understandings of God. Whatever your present beliefs may there is a spiritual side to abortion that deserves to be considered. Having an abortion may affect more than just body and your mind -- it may have an impact on your relationship with God. What is God's desire for you in situation? How does God see your unborn child? These are important questions to consider. CONSIDER YOUR OPTIONS You're facing difficult choices. We're here to help you make a fully informed decision. If you're experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel like you're being pulled in a million different directions. Pressure may be great to make an immediate decision. Maybe you've already made up your mind and you just want confirm the facts. Whether you decide to parent, abort or have someone raise your child, none of your choices are easy. Our trained staff and volunteers know that your situation is unique and important. We're here to provide you accurate, up-to-date information to help you make an informed choice that you can live with and have no regrets. The Bravo Center does not perform or refer for abortions or arrange adoptions so have no financial interest in your decision. We hope that you visit us for information about your options, your health, for pregnancy verification. PARENTING It's difficult to make the decision to parent when you feel that your career, education, financial stability and relationships are in jeopardy. These are valid concerns and our client advocates will examine these issues further with you. Parenting a lifelong commitment with many challenges and rewards. Thankfully, you do not have to face it alone. Our advocates will be there for you and will help you prepare over the next several months if you decide to parent. ABORTION This decision may initially appear to be the easiest, especially when you feel that your career, education, financial stability and relationships are at stake. These are valid concerns. There are health risks and psychological consequences that arise from an abortion that you should understand before you make a decision to have one. The decision to should not be made quickly or under pressure. While others may have input that you value, it's your future that will effected and you will have to live with the consequences. Our client advocates will examine these issues with you. Find out more about Abortion Procedures and Risks HERE. ADOPTION Often, the choice to place a child for adoption initially appears to be the most difficult emotional decision. The idea carrying a child for nine months only to release him or her into the care of another family may seem emotionally impossible. However this option may have a positive impact on your career, education, financial stability and relationships. Our centers can give you information on who to call should you choose adoption as the possible outcome for unplanned pregnancy. You don't need to rush into a decision. Take the time to seriously explore and compare all your options before deciding. Call us for a free, confidential appointment today. ABORTION RECOVERY Note: If you are experiencing immediate physical problems after an abortion such as pain, bleeding, fever or nausea, your doctor now or go to an emergency room. ABORTION MAY INCREASE THE RISK OF EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS Following an abortion, many women and men experience initial relief. The perceived crisis is over and life returns normal. For many, however, the crisis is not really over and significant problems can develop. Sometimes this occurs within days and sometimes it happens after many years. This psychological response is known as Post-Abortion Stress (PAS). Several factors that increase the risk of PAS include: the woman or man's age, the abortion circumstances, stage of pregnancy at which the abortion occurs, and religious beliefs. Women and men who have experienced abortion may develop the following symptoms: Flashbacks of Abortion Sexual Dysfunction Relationship Problems Eating Disorders Alcohol and Drug Abuse Depression Guilt Anger Anxiety Suicidal Thoughts Anniversary Grief If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, our pregnancy center offers confidential, compassionate support groups designed to help women and men work through these feelings. YOU ARE NOT ALONE If you wish to the healing process from a past abortion or abortions, abortion recovery counseling is available, free of charge. We individual or group counseling. Deciding to seek help may be one of the toughest decisions you have to make, but it be one of the best. To talk to someone about issues from a past abortion, please call us (845) 340-7355. All calls are confidential. We do not provide or refer for abortions. If our Center is closed and you need help right away or to find a pregnancy center near you, go to or call 1- 877-395-HELP. FOR GUYS It's not just about women! Guys, you're important too and we're here to help with any needs you may have. Please us a call. UNPLANNED PREGNANCY Men are often the forgotten partners during an unplanned pregnancy. At the Bravo Center, men are welcome to take part in free counseling sessions and to receive information concerning their options. We recognize that each situation and each individual are unique and we are committed to empowering you to positive choices. FATHERHOOD Becoming a father can be a scary time in your life. At the Bravo Center we understand your concerns and are to help with information about parenting from a father's perspective, referrals for assistance you may need, and ongoing counseling directed at your particular needs and circumstances. SEXUAL HEALTH If you are sexually active, you are not only at risk for facing an unplanned pregnancy, but you are also at risk contracting a STI or STD (sexually transmitted infection or disease). Some of the STIs/STDs are curable and some are not. At the Bravo Center, we can help you learn about how to protect yourself by making healthy choices for sexuality that you can live with, without regret. ABORTION RECOVERY FOR MEN Research suggests that men often experience a profound sense of loss following abortion. The most common problems experienced by post-abortive men include the following: Anger Helplessness, Guilt, Relationship problems, Grief. Given the magnitude of their loss, it is normal for men to struggle with these problems and emotions. Also, it is uncommon for men to repress their own negative emotions as they try to be a strong support for their partners. It may make it more difficult for men to recognize and deal with their painful emotions. However, if such feelings are resolved, they may lead to more serious consequences such as clinical depression or an inability to maintain healthy relationships. The Bravo Center offers post abortion counseling for men as well as for women. With all of our services, this counseling is free and confidential. If you are a man who has been hurt by abortion, there is hope and there is healing. SEXUAL HEALTH STIS/STDS - SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS AND DISEASES ARE YOU AT RISK? Are you sexually active? Have you or your sexual partner had other sexual partners? Have you changed sexual partners since you were last tested for STI’s? Have you ever had oral or anal sex? DID YOU KNOW? 19 million new infections occur each year. Half of all STI’s occur in people ages 15-24. One in four teenage girls has an STI. STIs often have no symptoms. Infection with an STI is possible without intercourse. When you have sex with someone, you are exposing yourself to their sexual history and the sexual history of all their partners for the past ten years. It takes only ONE sexual partner to be at risk if that partner has had one or more other sexual partners. WHAT CAUSES STIs? STI’s can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common viral STI. HOW DO YOU GET STIs? Any sexual activity including vaginal sex, oral sex and anal sex. HPV and herpes can be spread by contact with infected skin. You can get STI’s from a person who has no symptoms. WHAT ARE SOME SYMPTOMS OF AN STI? STIs often have no visible symptoms, so you or your partner may not even know you are infected. Some common symptoms include: pain or burning while urinating, rashes, sores, blisters, itchiness, unusual discharge from the penis or vagina and pain during sex. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS? Pelvic Inflammatory disease Ectopic Pregnancy (pregnancy somewhere other than the uterus) Infertility Cervical Cancer or Penile Cancer Miscarriage or Stillbirth Preterm delivery Death WHAT ARE THE AVAILABLE TREATMENTS? Most bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics and cured. Treatment does not reverse any damage that may have already occurred. Viral STIs can be treated for symptoms, but not cured. An HPV vaccine has recently become available and is recommended for young women but it does not protect against all types of HPV that cause cancer and warts. HOW CAN I PREVENT MYSELF FROM GETTING AN STI? The only way to be 100% safe from STIs and HIV/AIDS is to abstain from all sexual activities until you and your uninfected partner can remain faithful to each other for life. Correct and consistent condom use can reduce, but will not eliminate, your risk of getting most STIs. Consistent and correct condom use during vaginal sex reduces your risk for: HIV by 85% , Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes and Syphilis by about 50%, HPV by 50% or less. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Center for Disease Control CDC STD WEBPAGES If you think you may be infected with an STI see your healthcare provider right away. Sources: The Medical Institute for Sexual Health (Accessed March 2, 2009) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Accessed March 2, 2009) National Institutes of Health (Accessed March 2, 2009)
You Have The Right To Know


432 Albany Ave., Kingston, NY 12401 845-340-7355


You can help us provide free services.
ARE YOU PREGNANT? To schedule a confidential appointment please call the Kingston Center (845) 340-7355 PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS Whenever you have sex there is always a chance for pregnancy. During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes. Some common symptoms of early pregnancy include: missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, frequent urination, tiredness, mood swings. If you think you might be pregnant, the only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. Please contact us for appointment to take a free and confidential self-administered test. PREGNANCY TESTS Pregnancy tests check for a hormone called HCG that is produced by the embryo during pregnancy. The longer you to take the test, the more accurate it becomes. It is best to wait until your first missed period before you take pregnancy test. You can test sooner, but you may need to take a confirming pregnancy test later. Our pregnancy tests accurate as early as 7 days after conception. ULTRASOUNDS A urine test alone does not determine if a pregnancy is viable or not. A urine test will detect the presence of hormone HCG which is present during a pregnancy. This hormone can be present up to 6-8 weeks following miscarriage. Up to 30 % of pregnancies can end in miscarriage. Knowing the facts regarding your pregnancy, such as age of the baby and the viability of the pregnancy are crucial factors in deciding how to approach an unplanned pregnancy. The purpose of an ultrasound is to: Confirm pregnancy, Determine the viability of the pregnancy by confirming fetal heart motion and presence of a fetus inside the uterus. We do not provide or refer for abortions. If our Center is closed and you need help right away or to find a pregnancy center near you, go to ABORTION PROCEDURES & RISKS Abortion is not just a simple medical procedure. For many women, it is a life changing event with significant physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences. Most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had told all of the facts about abortion, its risks and the impact it may have had on their lives before they made their decision. ABORTION PROCEDURES Manual Vacuum Aspiration: up to 7 weeks after last menstrual period (LMP). This surgical abortion is done early in the pregnancy up until 7 weeks after the woman's last menstrual period. A thin tube is inserted into the uterus. A large syringe is attached to the tube and the embryo is suctioned out. Suction Curettage: between 6 and 14 weeks after LMP. This is the most common surgical abortion procedure. Because the baby is larger, the doctor must first stretch open cervix using metal rods. Opening the cervix may be painful, so local or general anesthesia is typically needed. After cervix is stretched open, the doctor inserts a hard plastic tube into the uterus, then connects this tube to a suction machine. The suction pulls the fetus' body apart and out of the uterus. The doctor may also use a loop-shaped called a curette to scrape the fetus and fetal parts out of the uterus. (The doctor may refer to the fetus and fetal as the “products of conception.”) Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): between 13 and 24 weeks after LMP. This surgical abortion is done during the second trimester of pregnancy. At this point in pregnancy, the fetus is too to be broken up by suction alone and will not pass through the suction tubing. In this procedure, the cervix must opened wider than in a first trimester abortion. This is done by inserting numerous thin rods made of seaweed a day two before the abortion. Once the cervix is stretched open the doctor pulls out the fetal parts with forceps. The skull is crushed to ease removal. A sharp tool (called a curette) is also used to scrape out the contents of the uterus, removing any remaining tissue. Dilation and Extraction (D&X) (partial-birth abortion): from 20 weeks after LMP to full-term. This procedure takes three days. During the first two days, the cervix is stretched open using thin rods made of seaweed, and medication is given for pain. On the third day, the abortion doctor uses ultrasound to locate the legs of the fetus. Grasping a leg with forceps, the doctor delivers the fetus up to the head. Next, scissors are inserted into the base of skull to create an opening. A suction catheter is placed into the opening to remove the brain. The skull collapses and fetus is removed. CONSIDER THE RISKS OF ABORTION Side effects may occur with induced abortion, whether surgical or by pill. These include abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Abortion also carries the risk of significant complications such as bleeding, infection, damage to organs. Serious complications occur in less than 1 out of 100 early abortions and in about 1 out of every later abortions. Complications may include: Heavy Bleeding: Some bleeding after abortion is normal. However, if the cervix is torn or the uterus is punctured, there is a risk of severe bleeding known as hemorrhaging. When this happens, a blood transfusion may be required. Severe bleeding is also a risk with the use of RU486. One in 100 women who use RU486 require surgery to stop the bleeding. Infection: Infection can develop from the insertion of medical instruments into the uterus, or from fetal parts that are mistakenly left inside (known as an incomplete abortion). A pelvic infection may lead to persistent fever over several days and extended hospitalization. It can also cause scarring of the pelvic organs. Incomplete Abortion: Some fetal parts may be mistakenly left inside after the abortion. Bleeding and infection may result. Sepsis: A number of RU486 or mifepristone users have died as a result of sepsis (total body infection). Anesthesia: Complications from general anesthesia used during abortion surgery may result in convulsions, heart attack, and in extreme cases, death. It also increases the risk of other serious complications by two and a half times. Damage to the Cervix: The cervix may be cut, torn, or damaged by abortion instruments. This can cause excessive bleeding that requires surgical repair. Scarring of the Uterine Lining: Suction tubing, curettes, and other abortion instruments may cause permanent scarring of the uterine lining. Perforation of the Uterus: The uterus may be punctured or torn by abortion instruments. The risk of this complication increases with the length of the pregnancy. If this occurs, major surgery may be required, including removal of the uterus (known as a hysterectomy). Damage to Internal Organs: When the uterus is punctured or torn, there is also a risk that damage will occur to nearby organs such as the bowel and bladder. Death: In extreme cases, other physical complications from abortion including excessive bleeding, infection, organ damage from a perforated uterus, and adverse reactions to anesthesia may lead to death. This complication is rare, but is real. CONSIDER OTHER RISKS OF ABORTION Abortion and Preterm Birth: Women who undergo one or more induced abortions carry a significantly increased risk of delivering prematurely in the future. Premature delivery is associated with higher rates of cerebral as well as other complications of prematurity (brain, respiratory, bowel, and eye problems). Abortion and Breast Cancer: Medical experts are still researching and debating the linkage between abortion and breast cancer. Here are some important facts: Carrying your first pregnancy to full term gives protection against breast cancer. Choosing abortion causes loss of that protection. A number of reliable studies have concluded that there may be a link between abortion and the later development of breast cancer. Emotional and Psychological Impact: There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in emotional and physical health. For some women these negative emotions may be very strong, and can appear within days or after many years. This psychological response is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Some of symptoms are: Eating disorders, Relationship problems, Guilt, Depression, Flashbacks of abortion, Suicidal thoughts, Sexual dysfunction, Alcohol and drug abuse. Spiritual Consequences: People have different understandings of God. Whatever your present beliefs may there is a spiritual side to abortion that deserves to be considered. Having an abortion may affect more than just body and your mind -- it may have an impact on your relationship with God. What is God's desire for you in situation? How does God see your unborn child? These are important questions to consider. CONSIDER YOUR OPTIONS You're facing difficult choices. We're here to help you make a fully informed decision. If you're experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel like you're being pulled in a million different directions. Pressure may be great to make an immediate decision. Maybe you've already made up your mind and you just want confirm the facts. Whether you decide to parent, abort or have someone raise your child, none of your choices are easy. Our trained staff and volunteers know that your situation is unique and important. We're here to provide you accurate, up-to- date information to help you make an informed choice that you can live with and have no regrets. The Bravo Center does not perform or refer for abortions or arrange adoptions so have no financial interest in your decision. We hope that you visit us for information about your options, your health, for pregnancy verification. PARENTING It's difficult to make the decision to parent when you feel that your career, education, financial stability and relationships are in jeopardy. These are valid concerns and our client advocates will examine these issues further with you. Parenting a lifelong commitment with many challenges and rewards. Thankfully, you do not have to face it alone. Our advocates will be there for you and will help you prepare over the next several months if you decide to parent. ABORTION This decision may initially appear to be the easiest, especially when you feel that your career, education, financial stability and relationships are at stake. These are valid concerns. There are health risks and psychological consequences that arise from an abortion that you should understand before you make a decision to have one. The decision to should not be made quickly or under pressure. While others may have input that you value, it's your future that will effected and you will have to live with the consequences. Our client advocates will examine these issues with you. Find out more about Abortion Procedures and Risks HERE. ADOPTION Often, the choice to place a child for adoption initially appears to be the most difficult emotional decision. The idea carrying a child for nine months only to release him or her into the care of another family may seem emotionally impossible. However this option may have a positive impact on your career, education, financial stability and relationships. Our centers can give you information on who to call should you choose adoption as the possible outcome for unplanned pregnancy. You don't need to rush into a decision. Take the time to seriously explore and compare all your options before deciding. Call us for a free, confidential appointment today. ABORTION RECOVERY Note: If you are experiencing immediate physical problems after an abortion such as pain, bleeding, fever or nausea, your doctor now or go to an emergency room. ABORTION MAY INCREASE THE RISK OF EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS Following an abortion, many women and men experience initial relief. The perceived crisis is over and life returns normal. For many, however, the crisis is not really over and significant problems can develop. Sometimes this occurs within days and sometimes it happens after many years. This psychological response is known as Post-Abortion Stress (PAS). Several factors that increase the risk of PAS include: the woman or man's age, the abortion circumstances, stage of pregnancy at which the abortion occurs, and religious beliefs. Women and men who have experienced abortion may develop the following symptoms: Flashbacks of Abortion Sexual Dysfunction Relationship Problems Eating Disorders Alcohol and Drug Abuse Depression Guilt Anger Anxiety Suicidal Thoughts Anniversary Grief If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, our pregnancy center offers confidential, compassionate support groups designed to help women and men work through these feelings. YOU ARE NOT ALONE If you wish to the healing process from a past abortion or abortions, abortion recovery counseling is available, free of charge. We individual or group counseling. Deciding to seek help may be one of the toughest decisions you have to make, but it be one of the best. To talk to someone about issues from a past abortion, please call us (845) 340-7355. All calls are confidential. We do not provide or refer for abortions. If our Center is closed and you need help right away or to find a pregnancy center near you, go to or call 1- 877-395-HELP. FOR GUYS It's not just about women! Guys, you're important too and we're here to help with any needs you may have. Please us a call. UNPLANNED PREGNANCY Men are often the forgotten partners during an unplanned pregnancy. At the Bravo Center, men are welcome to take part in free counseling sessions and to receive information concerning their options. We recognize that each situation and each individual are unique and we are committed to empowering you to positive choices. FATHERHOOD Becoming a father can be a scary time in your life. At the Bravo Center we understand your concerns and are to help with information about parenting from a father's perspective, referrals for assistance you may need, and ongoing counseling directed at your particular needs and circumstances. SEXUAL HEALTH If you are sexually active, you are not only at risk for facing an unplanned pregnancy, but you are also at risk contracting a STI or STD (sexually transmitted infection or disease). Some of the STIs/STDs are curable and some are not. At the Bravo Center, we can help you learn about how to protect yourself by making healthy choices for sexuality that you can live with, without regret. ABORTION RECOVERY FOR MEN Research suggests that men often experience a profound sense of loss following abortion. The most common problems experienced by post-abortive men include the following: Anger Helplessness, Guilt, Relationship problems, Grief. Given the magnitude of their loss, it is normal for men to struggle with these problems and emotions. Also, it is uncommon for men to repress their own negative emotions as they try to be a strong support for their partners. It may make it more difficult for men to recognize and deal with their painful emotions. However, if such feelings are resolved, they may lead to more serious consequences such as clinical depression or an inability to maintain healthy relationships. The Bravo Center offers post abortion counseling for men as well as for women. With all of our services, this counseling is free and confidential. If you are a man who has been hurt by abortion, there is hope and there is healing. SEXUAL HEALTH STIS/STDS - SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS AND DISEASES ARE YOU AT RISK? Are you sexually active? Have you or your sexual partner had other sexual partners? Have you changed sexual partners since you were last tested for STI’s? Have you ever had oral or anal sex? DID YOU KNOW? 19 million new infections occur each year. Half of all STI’s occur in people ages 15-24. One in four teenage girls has an STI. STIs often have no symptoms. Infection with an STI is possible without intercourse. When you have sex with someone, you are exposing yourself to their sexual history and the sexual history of all their partners for the past ten years. It takes only ONE sexual partner to be at risk if that partner has had one or more other sexual partners. WHAT CAUSES STIs? STI’s can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common viral STI. HOW DO YOU GET STIs? Any sexual activity including vaginal sex, oral sex and anal sex. HPV and herpes can be spread by contact with infected skin. You can get STI’s from a person who has no symptoms. WHAT ARE SOME SYMPTOMS OF AN STI? STIs often have no visible symptoms, so you or your partner may not even know you are infected. Some common symptoms include: pain or burning while urinating, rashes, sores, blisters, itchiness, unusual discharge from the penis or vagina and pain during sex. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS? Pelvic Inflammatory disease Ectopic Pregnancy (pregnancy somewhere other than the uterus) Infertility Cervical Cancer or Penile Cancer Miscarriage or Stillbirth Preterm delivery Death WHAT ARE THE AVAILABLE TREATMENTS? Most bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics and cured. Treatment does not reverse any damage that may have already occurred. Viral STIs can be treated for symptoms, but not cured. An HPV vaccine has recently become available and is recommended for young women but it does not protect against all types of HPV that cause cancer and warts. HOW CAN I PREVENT MYSELF FROM GETTING AN STI? The only way to be 100% safe from STIs and HIV/AIDS is to abstain from all sexual activities until you and your uninfected partner can remain faithful to each other for life. Correct and consistent condom use can reduce, but will not eliminate, your risk of getting most STIs. Consistent and correct condom use during vaginal sex reduces your risk for: HIV by 85% , Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes and Syphilis by about 50%, HPV by 50% or less. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Center for Disease Control CDC STD WEBPAGES If you think you may be infected with an STI see your healthcare provider right away. Sources: The Medical Institute for Sexual Health (Accessed March 2, 2009) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Accessed March 2, 2009) National Institutes of Health eases.cfm (Accessed March 2, 2009)
The BRAVO Center / PSCUC an affliate of CareNet / All rights reserved 2025


432 Albany Ave., Kingston, NY 12401 845-340-7355
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